Annual Meeting Info May 2024 CHAT

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South T-Bar POA Annual Meeting
June 29, 2024  

Members & Neighbors,

It is that time of year again!  The South T-Bar Annual Meeting will be held Saturday June 29, 2024, at a new venue this year. You should have received an Evite to make it easier to RSVP but I have attached all the pertinent information documents to this email.

The meeting will be held at the Pathfinders Event Center just outside of Canon City on Hwy 115.  Address is:  6655 CO-115, Florence, CO 81226.

Parking is on the north side of the building and there will be signs for you to follow to the meeting room. Check-in and Breakfast will start at 8:30am MT with the formal meeting beginning at 9:00am. Brenda Coon and Patty Rico have graciously volunteered to put together a Continental Breakfast for attendees to enjoy beginning at 8:30 am.  

Please view the Downloadable Documents BELOW to view the
Cover Letter & pertinent info
2023 Draft Minutes
RSVP & Address Change (if needed)
Owner Meeting Conduct Policy
Board Nomination Form and ballot (to be collected at meeting)

2024 Board of Director Election: There will be 5 Board of Directors positions that will be voted on at the Annual Meeting June 29th.
The following current Board members terms are expiring. Becky Renck, Mike Wolfe, Betty Sue Cornella, Brian Miller, and Gary Lack. All of these board members have expressed willingness to be nominated for re-election. We welcome any new nominations.

Any and all additional nominations and comments are welcome and can be forwarded to Brenda Coon at

There will be a Zoom option for those not being able to meet in person. See information below.

Guest Speakers will include Bob Carochi, CO Game Warden, Mark Norris, Fire Chief, TFPD, and Tim Brown, US Manager, Global Uranium

Downloadable documents:
2023_STB Annual Mtg
DRAFT Minutes
2024 Meeting Agenda
2024 Cover Letter from President
2024 Board Nomination Form
2024 RSVP & Address Change
2024 Meeting Proxy
2024 Board Ballot – to be collected at meeting
Owner Meeting Conduct Policy

ZOOM Call-in Information
South T Bar Ranch POA is inviting you to the Annual Meeting June 29th,2024
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 815 2744 0230
Passcode: 2024

OWNER CODE September 2023 thru September 2024   2692
Construction GATE CODE   8405GO TO:

Board of Directors Meetings
Monthly Board Meeting Call In at 6:30 pm MT Second TUESDAY of the Month Call in number    617.404.1444        Conference ID 34002#All Board Meetings are open to the community.  

President, Becky
Vice President, Jeff
Secretary, Brenda
Treasurer, Betty Sue                                                        
Ann Eulert
Gary Lack
Alice Lope
Brian Miller
Patty Rico
Mike Wolfe

Copyright (C)2024   South T-Bar POA
All rights reserved

Our mailing address is:
PO BOX 1431 Canon City CO 81215-1431
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